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Digitaalinen asiointimme on uudistunut – keskustele ammattilaistemme kanssa uudella digialustalla.

Siirry asioimaan.

Work equipment and premises

At the beginning of your employment relationship, you will obtain the tools required.

Use these tools responsibly, in compliance with the directions of the wellbeing services county. In signing the employment contract, you commit yourself to observing the data security and information privacy guidelines, the pivotal principles of which are:

  • you keep the above-mentioned objects and their user rights safely in your custody
  • you do not relinquish these tools or related user rights to another person
  • you return the keys and possible safety tag, photo card and other possible tools immediately after their need for use ends
  • you report the matter promptly if you lose your key, possible safety tag, photo card, or other possible tools

Do ensure that the locked doors remain locked after opening them. Everyone has the duty to make sure the doors are securely closed and ensure that that they are locked after business hours.  Always report malfunctions to technical maintenance.

Return all tools immediately after they are no longer needed.   Always remember to relinquish your possible bag/clothing locker when your employment ends or when you go on leave.

On your starting date of employment, you will get your personally obtained HyvaksID for use by logging into Suomi.fi. You can find more information about initialising the Hyvaks IDs at hyvaks.fi/tunnus.

ICT personnel service outlet operations and special features re: Hospital Nova


Nova’s ICT personnel service outlet is located in the same premises in block B1 (behind R-kiosk). More information below about the ICT service outlet. The personnel service outlet is open to the public Mon–Fri 7:30–14:00.

On your first workday, you will get keys and a photo card from the personnel service outlet. For identification, present your identity document when applying for keys as well as Hospital Nova's photo card. The photograph to be used in your photo card will be taken during this visit. Every employee working at Nova must use a photo ID card when moving about the hospital area. This also concerns replacement employees in positions lasting more than two weeks.

An RA outlet also functions in connection with the personnel service outlet. If you have not got a certificate card and need one in your job, you can order it from your personnel service outlet. For more information about the certificate card, see “Certificate card for social and healthcare professionals”.

In Hospital Nova, the policy is outlined on a safety basis that the validity of the keys begins with commencement of employment. Keys may, however, be given to an employee that are without valid access rights, e.g. one week before employment commences. Even though it is not possible to reserve a clothing locker and work clothing in advance, on the day of starting employment the access rights will automatically apply to the keys, and the employee's information will be transferred to the working clothes automat and locker system at this stage, which speeds up the start to some extent.

A fee of EUR 80 is charged for lost and unreturned Hospital Nova keys, and EUR 100 for a possible lost safety tag.

When working, social and healthcare professionals need a certificate card issued by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV) for strong electronic identification and signing purposes (professional card). This certificate card is valid for five (5) years at a time. The Population Register Centre’s certificate card is intended for social and healthcare professionals, other personnel working in social and healthcare organisations and pharmacies, and staff participating in the maintenance of information system services. Those needing the certificate card utilise the patient data system and patient information archives in addition to handling patients’ information concerning medication regimens.

If you do not have a certificate card yet or your certificate card will soon be out of date:

You can order a certificate card from any public registration outlet (RA outlet). The registration outlets are listed on Polku-intra, from which you can also reserve an appointment at your own RA outlet. Please note that in ordering your certificate card, you should verify your identity by means of a valid passport or ID card (driving licence not acceptable).

The registration outlets on a wellbeing services county basis can be found from DVV, i.e. the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.

More information about certificate cards can also be found on Polku-intra after you have received the organisation’s IDs.

Depending on your duties, at the beginning of the employment relationship you will be given, if necessary, the ICT tools ordered by your supervisor: a laptop and any other ICT accessories, such as a telephone, headphones, etc., if they are necessary to perform your work. If you have a personal work phone in use, remember that you must not transfer it to another employee: rather, substitution should be handled by call forwarding. If you are away, remember to leave an out-of-office message on your phone and delete it when you return to work.

Support is provided by ICT Customer Service (Helpdesk) in problems connected with the wellness services county’s Hyvaks network IDs and related equipment. Up-to-date contact info for ICT support can be found from Polku after you obtain the organisation’s IDs.

Look into your own unit’s telephone policies. It is important to know the following:

  • How is the caller forwarded if the matter is not resolved?
  • What is the procedure with respect to, e.g. call requests?
  • The most usual questions.

Make a record of the most important telephone numbers:

  • possible unit number(s)
  • your supervisor’s number

ICT / personnel service outlet at Hospital Nova

At the ICT service outlet in block B1 (behind the R-kiosk), ICT Customer Service will give you the ICT tools ordered by your supervisor: laptop, phone, headphones, etc. If necessary, you will also receive guidance on other ICT matters, such as the initialisation of security printing. Take an identity document along (a driving licence can be used). As a new employee, present your certificate card at the ICT service outlet so that your registration number is added to your IDs.

The ICT service outlet is open to the public Mon–Fri 7:30–14:00, closed 11:30–12:00.

You will get a clothing locker for your use if your job requires the wearing of work clothes. Always store only the most essential items and work/protective clothing in your locker. The clothing lockers are lockable, but the Wellbeing Services County of Central Finland is not liable for missing goods. When your work relationship ends or if you remain on leave for over three months, return all protective clothing, clean up your clothing locker, and relinquish it as well as your possible bag locker.

Please look after the tidiness of your personal dressing area.

Hospital Nova practices

Hospital Nova makes use of a clothing automat. Automat activation occurs at the personnel service outlet, where you can obtain instructions on using the changing rooms and work clothing automat. During the daytime, a Sakupe Oy employee provides guidance at the clothing automat on selecting protective clothing and operating the machine. The automat functions with an access control identifier. You should bring your own shoes and socks. Lost and found articles from the laundry are delivered to the personnel service outlet.

The changing rooms are situated in the staff area, where you can reserve a changing room from the changing rooms shown on the guide screen. The guide map shows in green where vacant facilities are available.  Go to the changing room and show your access control tag to the reader at the end of the row of lockers. The display shows the locker number reserved for you and the door remains open for 30 seconds: press lightly on the widest part of the door and the door will open. The locker automatically locks by pressing the door closed. Close the locker door firmly. The same clothes locker can be used by you until you relinquish it by pressing the “give up locker” (luovuta lokero) section.

If you do not need your locker or are moving from Nova to another unit for longer than three months, please empty your locker and give it up.

Personnel parking possibilities vary, depending on your work location. You can get the most up-to-date information about your unit’s parking possibilities from your own supervisor or from the service outlet at your workplace. Listed below are operations that affect commutes and parking at various units:

Hospital Nova

Locked bicycle sheds have been arranged for cyclists in connection with both Nova entrances. Bicycle parking functions by means of Nova’s access control identifier. In addition to the locked sheds, there are also outdoor bicycle parking facilities within the hospital area.  Lockable lockers are indicated for the storage of ebike batteries.

When arriving by coach, the bus stops are located in the immediate vicinity of Hospital Nova in Hoitajantie road. Local Jyväskylä traffic as well as many long-distance buses use these stops.  Further information and timetables can be found at the coach operators’ own websites.

If you arrive by car, Hospital Nova’s staff are served in parking-related matters by Jyväs-Parkki. Parking is organised in three separate areas: the P-Nova and P-Sairaala parking garages and outside area (incl. the overflow area). You can find a map to the parking area from the Arriving at Hospital Nova page. All contractual parking is based on monthly billing. If you want a time-charged contract product for an outdoor area, please let us know when you reserve a parking space. In all areas, parking is arranged by using the Moovy app, which works on your personal smart phone.

If you need a parking space, get in direct touch with palvelu@jyvas-parkki.fi. The following information should be provided in your email message: the number to the personal phone where the Moovy application has been pre-loaded, the desired contract product, and the starting date for when you need the parking space. If the parking spaces are full, you will get a message saying that you are in a queue and Jyväs-Parkki will contact you by email when a space is available. Parking is subject to a fee. Pricelist for personnel contract products:

  • P-Nova 45.28 €/month
  • P-Sairaala 39.62 €/month
  • Outside area according to use 11.32 €/month + 0.17 €/h
  • Outdoor area: fixed fee 33.96 €/month

Pricelist starting February 1st 2024


Hinnasto 1.2.2024 alkaen:

  • P-Nova 46,75 €/month
  • P-Sairaala 40,91 €/month
  • Outside area fixed fee 35,06 €/month
  • Outside area according to use 11,69 €/month + 0,18 €/h
  • Outside area 105,19 €/3 months (if you don't have a smartphone/payment card to use Moovy)
  • P-Länsiväylä 35,06 €/month

Please note that the period of notice for ending a parking contract is one (1) month. The contract ends at the end of the full month following the moment of termination. Termination of the parking contract is handled via the Moody app.

If you need a key to the outdoor area thermal socket, contact Hospital Nova’s personnel service outlet.