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Emergencies and on-call services

Emergency number: 112

There is only one emergency number in Finland. The emergency number is called only in urgent emergencies that require the presence of assisting authorities (police, first-aid, rescue, social).

When should you call the emergency number 112?

  • when you encounter an emergency or need urgent assistance from authorities
  • when you know or suspect that life, health, property or environment is threatened or endangered

Health centre emergency admissions

Health centre emergency admissions (local emergency departments) operate by appointment. An appointment for health centre emergency departments is always booked by calling your own health clinic, where you will get an assessment of the need for treatment along with instructions appropriate to your situation.

Emergency admissions are organised at health centres on weekdays during the opening hours of the health centre, in some health centres also in the evenings, weekends and public holidays.

Evening and weekend emergency admissions are organised at the following health centres:

Joint emergency clinic of Hospital Nova

Always use primarily the emergency admission or the emergency department closest to you, regardless of your municipality of residence.

The joint emergency clinic of Hospital Nova in Jyväskylä only treats those patients who must be treated immediately on the same day due to an illness or accident, and the treatment cannot be postponed to the next day.

When you are considering going to the joint emergency clinic of Hospital Nova, and your own health centre is closed, call the Wellbeing County of Central Finland’s free-of-charge Medical Helpline 116 117. On the Medical Helpline, a health care professional will issue instructions for treatment, assess the need for treatment and, if necessary, direct you to the correct location for treatment.

The situations in which Nova’s joint emergency clinic must be contacted immediately include, for example:

  • new stroke symptoms
  • significant chest pain
  • severe difficulty breathing
  • major injuries and fractures
  • sudden and severe or worsening stomach pain
  • decrease in level of consciousness, sudden disorientation
  • sudden severe headache
  • child under 3 months of age has a temperature above +38 °C
  • large wound
  • medicinal or other poisoning
  • sudden severe allergic reactions (other than topical rash)
  • eye injuries

If you cannot hear or produce speech, you will be helped online anywhere in Finland by the free-of-charge text service of the Medical Helpline .

Social and Crisis Emergency Services: 014 266 0149

Contact the Social and Crisis Emergency Services when the situation calls for an urgent social work assessment or immediate measures. Such cases may include, for instance:   

  • concern over a child or a family’s situation 
  • acute violence or its threat in a family 
  • concern over whether an elderly or a disabled person manages at home

Contact us when you have encountered a traumatic crisis, such as:

  • sudden death of a person close to you  
  • suicide attempt by a person close to you  
  • accidents 
  • becoming a victim of violence or a serious crime 
  • serious illness of your own or a person close to you

The telephone line is open 24 hours a day on every day of the year.


Labour and Delivery: 014 269 1204

Labour and delivery reception at Nova Hospital is open around the clock. The labour and delivery reception is at Hoitajantie 3, Nova’s 3rd floor, which is accessed through the entrance Nova 2. 

You can also always call the on-call midwife of the labour and delivery reception 014 269 1204 .

Urgent care and emergency department for oral health care

Urgent care for oral health is provided during office hours at dental clinics and outside office hours as a centralised service at Kyllö dental clinic, in the evenings from 4pm to 9pm, and on weekends and public holidays from 8am to 9pm. At night, from 9pm to 8am, oral health emergency services are centralised in the collaborative area (ERVA) and implemented at Kuopio University Hospital. Outside office hours and at night, please contact the Medical Helpline, tel. 116 117, if you need urgent treatment.